Thursday 30 July 2015


  • Using video in email marketing campaigns increase revenue by 4 times (Relevancy Group)
  • 80% of internet users recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the last 30 days (Online Publishers Association)
  • Users are 64% more likely to make a purchase or enquiry if a website has video (comScore)
  • A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words (Forrester Research)
  • 90% of shoppers found video helpful during buying decisions online (comScore)
  • Emails with explainer videos increased clickthrough rates by 96% (Implix)
  • The chance of a page one listing on Google increases 53 times with a video (Forrester Research)
  • Sending Adwords traffic to a page with the our video have doubled our conversion rates!(
  • 100Million internet users watch online videos each day. Granted, a lot of those are watching the latest viral video with a goofy cat or a cute kid, but an awful lot of them are looking for advice on how to do something or how to make something work better. And a whole lot of them are looking to buy a service or product.
  • 90% of online shoppers at a major retailer's website said they find video helpful in making shopping and buying decisions.

Takeaway: If you're not using video marketing, you're missing out on a huge market opportunity. It’s not just the number of people who are watching videos that’s important – it’s the reasons why they watch it. When you post an online marketing video to a business website, you’ve got a great chance of engaging with a busy executive who is specifically looking for your services but might not have reached out to schedule a meeting for a presentation. Your marketing video is a great way to get your elevator pitch out into the ether and let it reel in leads.


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